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Q: How do you measure mass of regular and irregular objects?
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Why do you measure objects?

To know the mass of objects

What measure tool do you use to measure objects?

To measure the mass on an irregular object, you can use Water Displacement.Water displacement is a way of measuring mass. Materials needed for this are:A graduated cylinderWaterVariable (Irregular Object).Fill the graduated cylinder with a certain amount of water. Memorize it.Put the irregular object into the graduated cylinder. Find the mass by subtracting the first amount of water from the second. That's your mass.Hope this helps, and sorry if you didn't need all this information!

A measure of how strongly gravity pulls on an object is the objects what?

The objects mass.

How do you find an objects density?

-- Measure its mass. -- Measure its volume. -- Divide its mass by its volume. The result is its density.

What is milligrams used to measure?

Mass - of small objects.

What do you use to measure the mass of objects?

weighing scale

Which of the following would you measure using a balance?

you will measure a mass or objects with force

How can we calculate the density of a irregular solid or a liquid?

You can dip the irregular solid in a water or other suitable liquid. This is how, you can measure the volume of the solid. The mass can be measured by weighing scale. Mass/volume = density. It is easy to measure the mass and volume of the liquid. First measure the mass the container. Then add the liquid to it. You will get the mass of the liquid. Then measure the volume of the liquid. Use the above formula to calculate the density of the liquid.

How does the mass of an objects affect inertia?

Mass is the measure of inertia and if you change the mass the inertia will change.

The mass of a regular solid is measured with what?

You can measure mass of a regular solid using a top-pan balance.

How the density of a regular and irregular objects determined?

Weigh the object. Determine the volume. Divide the mass by the volume to get the density. To get the volume of an irregular shaped object can be challenging especially if there are cavities (holes) in it. submersion in a liquid or powder of known volume might be possible. Measure the difference in the volume of the liquid and the liquid + the object (making sure the object is entirely below the surface of the liquid and that any cavities are filled).

How do you find the mass of irregular object show the experiment?

submerge in liquid and measure the displacement