

How do you order like fraction?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Like fractions can be ordered according to their numerators alone. You can ignore the denominators for the process.

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Q: How do you order like fraction?
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you order unit fraction like this by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest

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How do you order unlike fraction?

The simplest way is to convert them to like fractions, or percentages.

How is a unit fraction alike from a fraction?

Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!Since a unit fraction IS a fraction, it is like a fraction!

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Me am not like a fraction.

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You cannot put a fraction is order. A number of fractionscan be put in order, usually from the smallest to the largest.

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You cannot put a single fraction is order. A number of fractions can be put in order, usually from the smallest to the largest.

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To Evaluate expressions using the order of operations where there are fraction bars, simplify the top and bottom first, then divide.

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Any fraction that you like.

Is 5 over 6 an improper fraction?

No because in order to have an improper fraction, you need more than 6 to get the improper fraction.

How do you divide fractions when the denominator is not the same?

You don't need like denominators in order to divide. To divide the first fraction by the second fraction: -- Draw a new fraction line off to the side, for the answer. -- Invert the second fraction. -- Multiply their numerators; write the product on top of the new fraction. -- Multiply their denominators; write the product on the bottom of the new fraction. -- The "new fraction" is equal to the first one divided by the original (unflipped)second one.

What does a non fraction look like?

A banana is a non-fraction!