The simplest way is to convert them to like fractions, or percentages.
Like fractions have the same denominators (bottom part of fraction), unlike fractions do not.
Like and unlike fractions only make sense when you have two [or more] fractions. One fraction, such as 5/12, is always like itself.
you order unit fraction like this by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest
The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. Fractions like 1/3 and 1/4 have different numbers on the bottom. Those are unlike denominators.
The simplest way is to convert them to like fractions, or percentages.
You can convert them to equivalent fractions with like denominators, then simply compare the numerators.You might also convert each fraction to a decimal (divide the numerator by the denominator); then you can also compare them.
Two ways: If they're unlike fractions, convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and compare numerators. Convert them to decimals by dividing their denominators into their numerators and see which is greater.
Like fractions have the same denominators (bottom part of fraction), unlike fractions do not.
Unlike fractions have denominators that are unequal, and therefore cannot be added or subtracted. If two fractions need to be added or subtracted they must first be converted to like fractions.
0,6125 = 6125/ 10000 You can reduce this fraction to lowest terms if you like.
-1.8 = -18/10 which is the relevant fraction. It can, of course, be simplified if you like.
You could convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators or you could convert them to decimals and compare them.
Like and unlike fractions only make sense when you have two [or more] fractions. One fraction, such as 5/12, is always like itself.
you order unit fraction like this by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest
The LCM is used to convert unlike rational fraction to like fractions so that they can be added or subtracted. Any common multiple will do so the LCM is not that important. However, using the LCM will ensure that the numbers that you have to deal with are as small as they can be.