

How do you round integers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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If the previous digit is 5 or more then round up but if the previous digit is less than 5 then round down.

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Q: How do you round integers?
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to round up, a is way in mathematics, where non-integers are raised to the closest higher integer.

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For integers, 55 to 64

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If you are rounding to 100ths it is 1.73 . If you are rounding to 10ths it is 1.7 . If you are rounding to integers it is 2 .

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They are 85 and 86. Find sqrt(7310) = 85.499. Round the answer up and down to integers.

How many numbers can be rounded to 500?

The short answer is, infinite. With just integers, There are 498 numbers that can round up to 500, and 498 that can round down. If we include partial numbers, there are infinite, since the numbers can get infinitesimally small.

When the negative integers the positive integers and 0 are combined the integers are formed?

Negative integers, zero and the positive integers, together form the set of integers.

Are the fractions 2436 and 1624 equivalent or not?

2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.