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6x - 6 ≤ 8 add 6 to both sides

6x ≤ 14 divide by 6 to both sides

x ≤ 14/6 simplify

x ≤ 7/3

{x| x ≤ 7/3 } or ( -∞, 7/3]

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Q: How do you solve the inequality 6x-6 less than or equal to 8?
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What is the difference between inpuality and equation?

I assume you mean "inequality". An equation has an equal sign; an inequality has one of the inequality signs instead of an equal sign. These signs are: * Greater than * Greater than or equal * Less than * Less than or equal To solve an inequality, the main point to consider is that if you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, you must invert the inequality sign. For example, if you multiply both sides by (-2), a greater-than sign would need to be changed to a less-than sign.

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No. To be an inequality, it must somewhere have a greater than, less than, greater-or-equal, or less-or-equal sign.

Solve the inequality for 3t plus 5 times-4?

First of all, that's not an inequality. Inequalities have a a less than, equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, or less then of equal to. But any way, the solution would be this: 3t + 5(-4) 3t+(-20) There you go, hope you liked it!

How do you solve the inequality2x -10 6?

This isn't an inequality, since there is no less-than, greater-than, less-than-or-equal, or greater-than-or-equal sign. However, solving inequalities is similar to solving equations; however, when you multiply by a negative number, you must change the direction of the inequality sign.

When will the graph of an equation inequality be a dotted line?

The line is dotted when the inequality is a strict inequality, ie it is either "less than" (<) or "greater than" (>). If there is an equality in the inequality, ie "less than or equal to" (≤), "greater than or equal to" (≥) or "equal to" (=) then the line is drawn as a solid line.

Solve the inequality h-2 5 is less than or equal 14?

h-2+5 ≤ 14: h ≤ 11

What i the solution to this inequality x- 25 is less than or equal to 33?

Just add 25 to both sides of the inequality - that way, you will isolate the "x", i.e., solve for "x".

What are the critical features of an inequality?

An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).

What is alegbriac inequality?

It means that two expressions are not equal, as in a # b (Using "#" for inequality). A statement that includes "less than", "less than or equal", "greater than", or "greater than or equal", can also be considered an inequality, for example, | x | < 5

What operation gives the solution to the inequality 4x 12?

An inequality requires an inequality sign, usually "less than", "less-than-or-equal", "greater than", or "greater than or equal". Assuming one of these inequality signs is between the "4x" and the "12", for example: 4x &lt; 12, just divide both sides by 4. Just as when you solve equations, the idea is to isolate the variable on one side.

Is -5 a solution to this inequality x3?

"x3" is not an inequality. An inequality will have one of the following signs: less-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than, greater-than-or-equal. for example: 3x - 5 &lt; 15