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The line is dotted when the inequality is a strict inequality, ie it is either "less than" (<) or "greater than" (>).

If there is an equality in the inequality, ie "less than or equal to" (≤), "greater than or equal to" (≥) or "equal to" (=) then the line is drawn as a solid line.

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Q: When will the graph of an equation inequality be a dotted line?
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What kind of line do you use to graph an inequality?

A dashed/dotted line if it is &gt; or &lt;. Otherwise use a regular line. Also shading is required.

Which inequality symbols are represented by a solid line on a graph?

The graph of an inequality is a region, not a line.

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When graphing a system of inequalities the line is dotted for the?

strict inequality

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An equation has an equal sign, which means that we know what the variable is equal to :)

Explain when to use a solid line as a boundary when graphing a linear inequality?

If the points that are ON the line satisfy the inequality then the line should be solid. Otherwise it should be dotted. Another way of putting that is, if the inequality is given in terms of &acirc;&permil;&curren; or &acirc;&permil;&yen;, then use a solid line. If they are &lt; or &gt; use a dotted line.

What does a dashed line represent on a graph?

It can represent the graph of a strict inequality where the inequality is satisfied by the area on one side of the dashed line and not on the other. Points on the line do not satisfy the inequality.

How do write the Slope-intercept inequality for a graph?

First, write the equation of the line of the graph. Next, if the line is solid, it means equal to. If it is dotted: not equal to. Lastly, the shaded portion of a graph is where the points satisfy the equation. So pick a point in the shaded region, plug it in, and put the appropriate larger than, or less than sign to make the statement true. EX: plug in (3,1) to y _ 3x+1 1 _ 10, then 1 &lt; 10 So, y &lt; 3x + 1 (add [or equal to] if the line is solid)

Which is a correct way of graphing the line y -x - 2?

y -x - 2 is not an equation (nor an inequality) and so there is no way to graph it.

What is the graph of linear equation?

The graph will be a line.

What determines if the line is dotted or straight for an inequality?

If it is a 'greater than' or a 'less than' then it's a dotted line. If 'less than or equal' or if it's a 'greater than or equal' then it's a solid line.

When does an equation graph a line?

When it is a linear equation.