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All prime numbers have only two factors whereas all composite numbers have more than two factors.

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Q: How do you sort out whether numbers you have are prime or composite?
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How do you check whether a number is special number or not by Java?

It depends what you regard as being "special". Once you define the criteria for "special" you can formulate an algorithm that determines whether or not a given number meets that criteria. For instance, if you regard prime numbers as being special, you need a predicate to test whether a given number is zero, prime or composite. If prime then it is indeed special, otherwise it isn't. A predicate is a function that returns true or false depending on its input(s). As a simple example, if we regard even numbers as being special, then we need to test if the number has the prime factor 2. If so, it is special, otherwise it is not. We can test this by dividing the number by 2 and testing the remainder. If the remainder is zero, the number is even and is therefore special. We use the modulo operator (%) to determine the remainder after integer division: bool is_even (int n) { return (n % 2) == 0; }

How do you sort three ascending numbers?

Highlight the numbers and click on the sort button. You can sort ascending (smallest to largest) or descending (largest to smallest).

How can you check to see if a fraction is written in simplest form of a fraction?

You have to make sure both the numerator and denominator are prime numbers, and if they aren't, then it's not in simplest form. Also, the denominator shouldn't be divisible by the numerator, which sort of falls in to the prime number category. Hope this helped. :) I'm really good with numbers. :)

What sort of number is 18?

The number 18 belongs to the following categories of numbers: Complex Real Rational Terminating, non-rec curing decimals. Natural Composite Even Factors of 2 Factors of 9 Factors of 3

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This is an invalid sort code. Sort codes are six numbers in this format: ##-##-##.

Divide-and-Conquer to sort numbers using quick sort?

Yes, that's how quick-sort works.

What factors do 18 and 42 have in common?

The prime factors of 18 are 2, 3 and 3. The prime factors of 42 are 2, 3 and 7. Thus, the prime factors which are common to both are 2 and 3. However, the usual manner of answering this sort of question is to give the greatest common factor which is common to both (or all) numbers, and not only prime factors - so as 2 and 3 are common to both numbers and as 2 x 3 = 6 the 'other' answer to the question is 6.

What is a descending sort order?

When you sort numbers from largest to smallest, or sort text from Z to A (in reverse alphabetical order).

How do you order numbers in excel?

Highlight the cells you want to sort and click on the sort button.

Can you use negative numbers in radix sort?

You'll have to make some modifications to the "standard" radix sort. You can add on a set value to make all the numbers positive, then sort with radix sort, then subtract the value off all of them at the end. This probably isn't the best all-round solution because if your numbers get very large (and large negative numbers), you may be unable to add on the set value to make all your values positive without having the problem of overflow. In this case you'd have to make a division - a section of negative numbers, and a section of of positive numbers. Sort both of them using radix sort, then reverse the negative numbers section and put the lists together (remembering to sort out the minus signs before sorting the negative numbers).

How did people count or sort before modern numbers?

They used olden numbers!