How do you write 0.259 as a mixed number.
It is 2590.
259 is an integer and there is no sensible way to represent it as a mixed number.
0.259 is a decimal. Some people would call it a decimal fraction. It is equivalent to a fraction. (259/100) Mixed numbers are greater than one.
Since the numbers 259 and 1000 share no positive integer factors other than 1, the proper fraction 259/1000 is already expressed in its simplest form.
259 tenths = 25.9
Excluding 259 and 272 there are 11 whole numbers
To write 259 TENS as a decimal, you would first recognize that each "TEN" represents a factor of 10. Therefore, 259 TENS can be represented as 259 x 10. Multiplying 259 by 10 gives you 2590. Therefore, 259 TENS written as a decimal is 2590.
8.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/328.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/328.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/328.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/32
The HCF of the numbers 139 and 259 is 1.
The sum of 538 and 259 is 797. there are no two numbers among those given with a difference of 797.
how many numbers round to 300