259 is an integer and there is no sensible way to represent it as a mixed number.
How do you write 0.259 as a mixed number.
0.259 is a decimal. Some people would call it a decimal fraction. It is equivalent to a fraction. (259/100) Mixed numbers are greater than one.
No, It's not a prime number. As 7 * 37 = 259. It's worthnoting that both 7 and 37 are prime numbers. To detect whether a no. is prime no. or not first find it's Square root. e.g. for 259 , sqrt(259) = 16.09 Then divide 259 by any no. less than 16.09 (e.g. between 1 to 16). If the no. that is 259 in this case is divisible by any of them then definitely it's not prime no. This method leaves you with less no. to check for divisibility of the concerned number like in this case is 259.
This is easiest to solve by converting the mixed number to an improper fraction, do the multiplication and simplifying the result (including converting any improper fraction to a mixed number): 4/5 x 1 1/6 = 4/5 x (1x6+1)/6 = 4/5 x 7/6 = 28/30 = 14/15
Oh, dude, turning 10.4 into a mixed number is like converting a boring old decimal into a fancy fraction. So, 10.4 as a mixed number in simplest form would be 10 2/5. It's like giving that decimal a cool new outfit to wear.
How do you write 0.259 as a mixed number.
8 and 518/1000 or 8 and 259/500
8.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/328.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/328.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/328.09375 = 809375/100000 = 259/32
Converting a mixed number into a proper fraction,is too divide the two numbers.
You cannot. A mixed number, by definition, has a fractional part. In converting to a decimal number, you cannot get rid of that fractional part and so you can never convert it to a decimal integer.
0.259 is a decimal. Some people would call it a decimal fraction. It is equivalent to a fraction. (259/100) Mixed numbers are greater than one.
713 + 259 = 259 + x972 = 259 + x713 = x
When converting from Celsius to Kelvin you always add 273.15 and subtract the same amount when converting from Kelvin to Celsius thus: -259+273.15=14.15 The answer is 14.15 Kelvin
Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction then divide the fraction and improper fraction as normal (invert the divisor and multiply) and simplify the result (including converting any improper fraction into a mixed number)
43 and 1/6
It is: (259+361)/2 = 310