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When adding and subtracting a constant amount means that that amount will increase. The amount will increase dew to adding each number.

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Q: How does adding it subtracting a constant amount by each value in a set of data affect the mean?
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How does halving the amount of a sample of an element affect the sample mass?

The amount and the mass are directly proportional. Halving the amount halves the mass, and vice versa.

How many types of correlation?

There are 3 types1.positive/ negative/zero/2.linear/non-linear3.simple/multiple/partial- If the direction is same,the relationship is positive-If the direction is opposite , the relationship is negative-If the amount of change is constant in different variable it is linear-If the amount of change is not constant in different variable is non- linear-If it is establishing a relationship between two characteristic then it is simple- If it is establishing a relationship between three or more characteristic then it is multiple-If it is establishing a relationship between only one of all the variable then it is partial

What graph shows continuous data?

A graph that shows continuous data is a graph that goes diagonally straight without and ups or downs, and it is a constant rate/ has the same amount between each coordinate as it goes up/down each time!

Are the mean and median always nearly equal?

No, not always. Sometimes they are equal. Sometimes they are close to each other, but not exactly the same. Sometimes they are very different. It depends on the numbers that are being used to calculate the mean and median. The way each is calculated is different. The mean is got by adding all the numbers and dividing by the amount of numbers. The median is got by arranging the numbers in order and finding the middle value in the list, if there is an odd amount of numbers, or the value half way between the two middle values when there are an even amount of numbers.

What are some examples of negative correlations in education?

amount of time on phone, amount of work done.

Related questions

Why does adding or subtracting a constant amount to each value in a data set increase the mean?

The adding and subtracting a constant amount means the value will go up. The amount will go up due to the amount been added to each number.

How does adding or subtracting a constant amount by each value in a set of data affect the mean?

Adding and subtracting is what increases the amount when adding each number. This is taught in high school math.

What happens when you add negative to positive?

Adding a negative amount is equivalent to subtracting a positive amount.

What is 47-6 plus 2x3?

It's still 47, since you are adding and subtracting the same amount.

Does how much money is left is it subtracting or adding?

Subtracting. When you are given a problem asking "how much money is left," that means some money was taken away, and you are asked about the remaining amount. To take away money means using subtraction.

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The prefix mega- means of an impressive amount or significant value. When adding this prefix to a unit the amount of the unit is increased tremendously.

How does subtracting the same amount from each value in a data set affect the mean median mode and range?

The mean, the median, the mode and the upper and lower limits of the range would each be reduced by the amount subtracted.

How do you make the screen shake in Game Maker?

If you're making a 2D game, you can create this effect by adding or subtracting a small random amount to the main view's x and y coordinates every few steps.

How does the firing angle affect the power output?

The power output can remain constant, but the forces acting against the projectile will affect its range. The mass of the projectile and the amount of charge can be considered constants unless range changes. The elevation will then need to factor as a constant and the amount of charge will need to change accordingly. It depends on what is easier to change.

Does suger water affect the growth of plants?

Adding sugar to plants will affect the plant. One,it just might kill the plant. Two,it attracts bugs. So yes adding sugar to your plant will kill it. it will kill it if u a massive amount on the plant.

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compressor work on two principles 1)reduce volume of a constant amount of gas 2)adding more gas in a constant amount of volume positive displacement compressor works on first principle it reduces the volume of gas by applying force on it but gas amount is constant in every stroke or rotation thus increasing the pressure. centrifugal compressor work on second principle it adds more amount of gas in a given constant volume thus the pressure increase.

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