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The amount and the mass are directly proportional. Halving the amount halves the mass, and vice versa.

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Q: How does halving the amount of a sample of an element affect the sample mass?
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How does halving the sample affect the density?

Not at all. The density remains the same.

How does halving a sample affect the weight of the sample?

If the sample is homogeneous, then half of its volume has half of its mass and half of its weight.

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it has no effect. density of a substance is the same no matter the size or shape of the sample.

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If you add the same constant to each element of a sample then the mean of this collection of values will be the mean of the original sample plus the constant. If you multiply each element of a sample by a constant then the mean of this collection of values will be the mean of the original sample multiplied by the constant.

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It is true.

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The half-life has a specific value for each isotope.

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The chemical symbol of zinc is Zn; "macroscopic sample element" is a strange formulation in chemistry.

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A sample of any pure element is homogeneous.

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It should reduce the sample error.

What is the difference between sample and sample size?

a sample is a sample sized piece given... a sample size is the amount given in one sample