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This lesson concerns determining an equation of a line given the slope and coordinates of one point

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Q: How does one solve this equation Raven charges a base price of 15.00 to babysit as well as 3.00 per hour Write an equation that will determine the total charge for Raven to babysit for x hours?
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What determine the direction of flow of charge?

Electro motive Force(E.M.F) of a battery determine the direction of Flow of Charges.

How do you make 40 fast?

babysit for $10 and babysit 4 times. Or charge $20 and babysit twice

How did Thomson determine that there was also positive charges found in atoms?

He knew there were electrons which have negative charges, but the overall charge of the atom was zero. There had to be positive atoms for this to be true, because negative and positive charges cancel each other out in order for the overall charge to be zero.

How can you determine charge for an unknown material?

One can determine the charge for an unknown material by using negligible friction. One will then be able to compare reactions between different charges that are brought near the unknown material.

Determine the amount by which the electric force between two charges is increased when the distance between the charges is halved?

If the charge on the object is double than the force between them is double

Why did scientists know that atoms have positive charges?

A neutral atom has not an electrical charge; only cations have a positive charge. Using an electrochemical cell with two electrodes (anode and catode) you can determine the charge of ions in the solution.

What are the charges of the atom?

The charges of an atom are, protons are positive (+). Neutrons has a neutral charge or no charge(0) and electrons have a negative charge (-).

What type of charge is vandalism?

Specific definitions and charges are specified by the states. You would have to determine what state laws apply.

What are the five types of battery charges?

The five types of charges that can be applied to a battery are: initial charge, normal charge, equalizing charge, floating charge, and fast charge.

What are the three types of electrical charges?

positivenegativeneutralCommentWithout wishing to be picky, 'neutral' is not a type of charge -it is a lack of charge.

A substance has 34 positive charges and 34 negative charges what is the overall charge?

The overall charge is neutral.

How much should i charge to babysit two special needs children?

£20 :)