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If the job takes four hours or longer then Ari's charge is greater.

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Q: What is the answer of David charges 15 plus 5.50 per hour to mow lawns. Ari charges 12 plus 6.25 per hour to mow lawns. In what situations is Ari's charge greater than or equal to David's charge?
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Suppose there are two charges charge A and charge B. What determines the magnitude of the force between the two charges?

The magnitude of the force between two charges is determined by the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, as described by Coulomb's law. The force is greater with larger charges and decreases as the distance between the charges increases.

Is electrostatic force charge independent of mass?

Yes, electrostatic force is charge dependent and independent of mass. The force between two charged objects is determined by the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them, not by the mass of the objects.

A substance has 34 positive charges and 34 negative charges what is the overall charge?

The substance has an overall charge of zero because the number of positive charges is equal to the number of negative charges, resulting in a neutral charge.

What are the charges of the atom?

The charges of an atom are, protons are positive (+). Neutrons has a neutral charge or no charge(0) and electrons have a negative charge (-).

What are the five types of battery charges?

The five types of charges that can be applied to a battery are: initial charge, normal charge, equalizing charge, floating charge, and fast charge.

What happens when two objects with unlike charges come together?

When two objects with unlike charges come together, electrons will transfer from the object with a surplus of electrons (negative charge) to the object with a deficit of electrons (positive charge). This transfer equalizes the charges on both objects, leading to the objects either sticking together due to the attraction between opposite charges or experiencing a force of repulsion depending on the distance and magnitude of the charges.

Does Na or Ne have a greater charge?

Na has a greater charge

What type of charge produced when an electric field separates positive and negative charges?

When an electric field separates positive and negative charges, it produces an electric potential difference between the charges. This results in the positive charges accumulating on one side and the negative charges accumulating on the other side, creating an overall charge separation.

Do anions have more protons than neutrons?

No, anions have more electrons than protons. An anion is a negatively charged ion that gains an extra electron, resulting in a greater number of negative charges compared to positive charges (protons). Neutrons do not have charge and are not directly related to the charge of anions.

Are all electrons attracted to each other?

No, electrons can be attracted to each other due to their opposite charges. However, electrons can also repel each other when they have the same charge, following the principles of like charges repel, opposite charges attract.

What is additivity of charges?

Additivity of charges refers to the principle that the total charge of a system is the sum of the individual charges within that system. This means that if you have multiple charges in a system, you can find the total charge by adding up all the individual charges present. Mathematically, it can be represented as Q_total = Q_1 + Q_2 + ... + Q_n, where Q_total is the total charge and Q_1, Q_2, ... Q_n are the individual charges.

What charge is it if a substance has 9 positive charges and 11 negative charges?

You can easily find the charge by adding number of positive charges and number of negative charges. Just keep in mind the convention that a unit positive charge is +1 and a unit negative charge is -1.So the answer for your question is = 9 + (-11) = -2which means net charge is 2 negative charge.