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Q: How is an octagon similar to a trapezoid?
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How is a octagon similar to a trapezoid?

Both of their exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

How many more sides does an octagon have than a trapezoid?

An octagon has four more sides than a trapezoid, because an octagon has 8 sides whereas a trapezoid has 4 sides

Is a trapziod congruent similar or neither?

A trapezoid can be congruent or similar to another trapezoid.

What is a 2 dimensional geometric shape?

triangle circle square octagon pentagon hexagon trapezoid

What shape has more edges than a trapezoid and no obtuse angles and fewer vertexes than a hexagon?

an octagon

How is a trapezoid SIMILAR to parallelgram?

They are quadrilaterals.

Is a trapezoid always similar to a parallelogram?

No. In fact, it is NEVER similar.

What does rombus plus trapezoid equals?

Depending on their relative sizes and orientations, it can be a trapezium, a pentagon, hexagon, heptagon or octagon.

Is an octagon similar to a triangle?

They are both shapes and an octagon can be made up of six or more triangles. Other than that they are not similar. A triangle must have three sides. An octagon must have eight sides.

How are an octopus and an octagon similar?

Octo = eight Octopus = eight arms Octagon = eight corners.

What are names of some geometric shapes?

circle, triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, sphere, cylinder, octagon, etc.

What shape has 2 obtuse angles?

An Trapezoid, has 2 acute and 2 obtuse but it depends what trapezoid u draw it. there is a irregular Pentagon, hexagon, octagon etc.... hope u liked my answer Thank You