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The formula for either polygon is multiply any base by the height of the figure perpendicular to that base; furthermore, you can see the similarity by making dotted lines inside the parallelogram so that it forms two triangles on the sides and a rectangle the middle. Now you could find the areas of the triangles and the rectangle and add them to find it is the same as if you take the base times the height or you can move one triangle to the other side next to the second triangle and you will see that it makes the parallelogram into a rectangle which is why finding the area is the same formula. Also, imagine taking a rectangle and pushing two bases together without breaking the figure. You will have changed the angles but all the sides will have stayed the same. Now just think has the amount of space inside the figure changed, no.

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Q: How is finding the area of a parallelogram like finding the area of a rectangle the same?
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I think you mean parallelogram. Parallelogram look like a rectangle but it looks slanted rectangle. __________________ /_________________/ ^^that is parallelogram ^^

What is the formula to work out the area for a parallelogram?

Base times height. Just like a rectangle.

What is the perimeter of a parallelogram with a an area of 60?

It can be any length you like greater than (or equal to) 4 x √60 ≈ 30.98 A parallelogram is a sheared rectangle; the more the rectangle shears, the longer the originally "vertical" sides (the height of the parallelogram) become. (Shearing does not change the area of the shape.)

In what way is a rectangle like a parallelogram?

A rectangle has two sets of two opposite sides of equal length - as does a parallelogram.

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A parallelogram looks like a leaning-over rectangle.

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It would have to be either a Parallelogram or a Trapezoid, both are Quadrilaterals. The rectangle is a type of Parallelogram.

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A parallelogram looks like a squashed over rectangle.

Words to write a rule for calculating the area of a parallelogram?

base times height just like a rectangle easy right