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In mathematics, a number is any discrete or continuous value. Discrete values are used for counting and ordering to determine unity or multitude among separate entities and for showing position in a series. Continuous values are used for measuring to determine magnitude along a given range. Numbers are used non-mathematically for labeling persons, places, and things. Numbers can be expressed symbolically by digits, words, or in the case of algebra, letters.

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Q: How is number defined in mathematics?
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A variable in Mathematics is defined as the alphabetic character that expresses a numerical value

Can infinity even be defined?

Certainly, infinity can be defined. It can't be perfectlydefined, but then, as Wittgenstein demonstrated some time ago, there are really no perfect definitions of anything. All language is approximate, even in mathematics (which is more precisely defined than most subjects). Infinity is defined as an endless quantity, greater than any number that can be counted.


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