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how it formation hermatypic was positive and +negative

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Q: How it formation hermatypic was positive and negative?
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The formation of positive ions typically requires energy input in the form of ionization energy to remove electrons, whereas the formation of negative ions releases energy in the form of electron affinity when electrons are added. Positive ions have higher potential energy compared to their neutral atoms, whereas negative ions have lower potential energy. Overall, the energy changes involved in forming positive and negative ions are opposite in nature.

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The rules for the sign (positive or negative) of the result of a multiplication is the same as division. For multiplication: Positive * Positive --> Positive Positive * Negative --> Negative Negative * Positive --> Negative Negative * Negative --> Positive For division: Positive / Positive --> Positive Positive / Negative --> Negative Negative / Positive --> Negative Negative / Negative --> Positive

If a negative is divided by a positive is it negative?

Yes. Negative/negative = positive Postive/Positive = positive Negative/Positive - negative

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Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive

When you divided a negative number by a positive number witth the answer be positive or negative?

A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative.

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