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152feet 3.79inches (rounded)

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Q: How long is the diagonal of a rectangle with dimensions 60ft by 140ft?
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What is the perimeter of a rectangle of length 20 ft and width 10 ft?

P=2l+2w The answer is 60ft.

A Rectangle has an area of 60 square feet. If its length is 2 feet more thank twice its width what are the dimensions of the rectangle?

Area = 60Ft Area = L x W L = (2+2W) Sub L into Area 60Ft = (2+2W)W EXPAND 60Ft = 2W+2W^2 DIVIDE 30Ft = W+W^2 REARRANGE W^2 + W - 30 = 0 QUADRATIC FORMULA W = 5, -6 can't have a negative length, therefore 5 sub back into original equation 60ft = 5L L = 12 check answer L = (2+2W) W = 5 (2+2(5)) = 12 = L Correct

How do you find the area of a rectangle has to equal 60ft?

Pick any length and any width you want for the rectangle. The choiceof its dimensions is completely up to you, just as long as the length andwidth make 60 when you multiply them together.Here are some whole-number pairs you could use for length and width:1 by 602 by 303 by 204 by 155 by 126 by 1071/2 by 8

What is the area of a parallelogram when the measurements are 60ft 20ft and 26ft?

Too many dimensions have been given because the area of a parallelogram is length times perpendicular height.

What is the diagonals of 60ft by40ft?

The diagonals of 60ft by 40ft are 72.11 feet.

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How many ft are in 20 yards and 1 feet?

1yd = 3ft 20yd x 3ft/yd = 60ft 60ft + 1ft = 61ft

60ft equal how many yards?


What is 60ft in cm?

60' = 1828.8 cm

How many feet are in 60 in?

60ft = 0.0183km

How big is whale sperm?

they are 60ft long