

How many Btu's are in 1 gallon of kerosene?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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114100 Btu

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Q: How many Btu's are in 1 gallon of kerosene?
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How many BTUs are there in a gallon of Kerosene?

1 gallon for #1 Kerosene produces 135,000 BTUs. #1 Kerosene is closely related to #1 Diesel and JP8 (Jet Fuel) - they differ chiefly in additives. Likewise, #2 Kerosene, Diesel #2, and Furnace Oil are similar to one another. #2 oils have higher sulfur content, which leads to more eye and lung irritation from the emissions. However, they are also comprised of longer hydrocarbon chains, and therefore weigh more per gallon and also have somewhat higher energy content.

How many liter atmospheres in a gallon of kerosene?

3.785 L in 1 gallon.

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What order of the layers from top to bottom if 1 gallon of water0.85 gallon of kerosene 1.2 gallon of antifreeze 0.90 gallon vegetable oil are poured into a cylinder?

Top to bottom vegetable oil, kerosene, antifreeze, water.

What is the price of 1 gallon of kerosene in nc?

$4.14 murphy n.c

What is the price of 1 gallon of kerosene in Indiana?

4.29 in Brazil Indiana

How many BTUs will it take to change 1 gallon of water at 32 degrees to ice at 32 degrees?

You would need to remove approximately 1200 BTUs of heat to convert a gallon of water to ice. There are 8.34 lb in a gallon of water, which converting to lb-moles is 0.463. The latent heat of crystallization for water is -2583.4 BTU/lb-mole. Multiplying the two together and you get -1197 BTUs, which means you need to remove that amount of heat to convert the gallon of water to ice.

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How many calories of energy are produced by one gallon of gas?

6.1030 x 10^6 calories (not food Calories) per liter - this is the mixture of LPG called 'propane' in the proportions used for combustion engines.

How many mcf of natural gas equals the btu of 1 barrel of crude oil?

A fourty two (42) gallon barrel of oil generates approximately 5,600,000 btus. A cubit foor of nat gas generates 1,200 btus ,there for you would need 4,666.67 cubic feet of gas or 4.6 mcf. Today, an mcf of nat gas costs $2.6 an mcf, a barrel of oil $106. The btu per dollar breakdown looks like this. 5,600,000 btus = 1 barrel of crude oil = $106 5.6m btu / $106 = 52,830 btus per dollar 5,600,000 btus = 4.66 mcf = $12.12 5.6m btus / $12.12 = 462,046 btus per dollar

What is the kilowatt value of 1 liter of kerosene?

The weight of one gallon of kerosene is 6.82 pounds.Based on a cubic foot of kerosene is 51 pounds and 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot.

How long on average does a 20 lb propane gas grill tank last?

1 gallon of Propane ~= 4.23 lbs ~= 91500 Btus 1 lbs of Propane ~=22000 Btus 20 lb tank of propane holds approx 4 gallons of propane (366000 BTUs) Your grill will last 366000 BTUs/ Grill BTU output hrs