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28 blocks

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Q: How many blocks are needed to build a Stan ir step patteren that has a base of 10 aheight of 10 and where each step is oneblock high and one block deep?
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How many blocks are needed for for a three bedroom bungalow?

The number of blocks needed depends on whether you are using them for the walls or just the foundation, how high the walls are if you are using blocks forthem, the size of the blocks, and what the size of the bungalow will be.

How many blocks are needed to build a 5ft x 62 ft wall?

The answer depends on how big the blocks are! The answer depends on how big the blocks are! The answer depends on how big the blocks are! The answer depends on how big the blocks are!

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How many blocks are needed to build a 8 ft x 6 ft wall?

The question is... how big are the blocks?

How many blocks that are 16 inches by 16 inches would be needed to fill 450 sq feet?

253.125 blocks.

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How many thousands blocks are needed to make each number?

Since there are infinitely many numbers you will need infinitely many blocks.

How many 8 inch by 8 inch blocks needed to fill 1000 square feet?

I think perhaps 2250 blocks .

Is there algae in ponds and in lakes?

it blocks the sunlight from reaching the underwater plants and traps and blocks oxygen in the water, which is needed by aquamarine animals.

How many blocks did a pyramid need?

The great pyramid of Giza (in Egypt) needed 2.3 million blocks and according to other calculations it is concluded that around 4 million blocks were used.

What is needed for the foundation for mobile homes?

A concrete pad and lots of breeze blocks

How many blocks would be needed to create a 20 step staircase?