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Q: How many brown marbles are there if 1 over 4 of the marbles in the bag are brown?
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A bag of marbles has twice as many blue marbles as green and the bag has at least 33 marbles in it at least how many green marbles are in the bag?

There are at least 11 green marbles in the bag.

A bag of marbles has three times as many blue marbles as red marbles and the bag has at least 52 marbles in it At least how many blue marbles are in the bag?

at least 39 blue marbles

How many marbles does Paolo have in the bag Paolo has less than 40 marbles in a bag and splits them among 7 friends and has 2 left over?


How many marbles can fit into a plastic bag?

Your question is too broad. How big are the marbles and how big is the bag?

a bag contains 150 marbles some of the marbles are blue and the rest of the marbles are white in the bag there are 21 blue marbles for every 4 white marbles how many of each color marble blue and white are in the bag show or explain your thinking?

a bag contains 150 marbles some of the marbles are blue and the rest of the marbles are white in the bag there are 21 blue marbles for every 4 white marbles how many of each color marble blue and white are in the bag show or explain your thinking

Each of Bork's bags contains the same number of marbles he has twice as many bags as he has marbles in each bag if he has 32 marbles in all how many are in each bag?

4 in each bag. 2*4 = 8 bags 8 bags of 4 marbles = 32 marbles

Jasmine has 50 marbles in a bag. 20% of the marbles are blue. How many marbles are blue?


How many marbles 7 bags if each bag contains 8 marbles?

56 marbles

How many marbles does Paolo have in the bag Paolo has less than 40 marbles in a bag and splits them among 4 friends and has 3 left over?

Pablo can satisfy the conditions described in the question if he has 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, or 39 marbles in his bag.

How many are there in 700 bags if each bag contains 8 marbles?

700 bags if each bag contains 8 marbles is a total of 5600 marbles.

how marbles would there be if there are 30-40 marbles in the bag how many marbles would each person get?


Jasmine has 50 marbles in a bag. 20 percent of the marbles are blue. How many marbles are blue?

20% of 50 marbles is 1 fifth of the marbles in the bag. so 50 marbles divided by 5 =10 blue marbles