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Q: How many circles can you make with 2 pencils and a paper clip?
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How many different circles can you make if you take a paper clip and 2 pencils?


How many different size of circles can you make with a compass with a paper clip and 2 pencils?

maybe three

How do you make a homemade compass without bending the paper clip with two pencils and a paper clip?

Put the paper clip on the paper. Hold the two pencils with the two pencil points on either side of the paper clip. Hold one pencil still then move the other to form a circle.

Take a paper clip and two pencils create a homemade compass you may not bend or break the paper clip how many different size circles can you make?

You lay down the paper clip on a sheet of paper and use one of the pencils to hold the clip in place pointed side down. Next you take the other pencil and start drawing the circle. You can find a video on youtube that illustrates it. My son had this as a homework assignment, I found it very useful.

What do they make out of the used paper?

One very smart thing they make out of recycled paper is pencils.

How do you make a paper clip?

they shove it

How do you make a paper helicopter go slow?

Take the paper clip off and make it smaller.

What is the hypothesis of make a paper clip float?

Distribution of the clip's mass and water's surface tension.

Is it true that you can make a paper clip magnetic?

If the paper clip is made of a magentic metal such as steele, then you cn make it magnetic. If it is made of plastic or a non-magnetic metal, then you cannot.

What kind of force can make a paper clip cling to a comb?

That is the static charge, which make a paper clip cling to a comb.

How many paper clips make a pound?

Depends on the size of the paper clip. Paper clips come in a range of sizes. Agreed. Also: The weight of one standard paper clip = 0.00043kg x 9.8m/s2 = 0.004214 N, or 0.000947345 lbf. So if you divide 1 lbf by the weight of a standard paper clip given then with that size of paper clip it would take about 1,056 to make a pound.

How do you make a lock for your spiral book?

U can get a paper clip