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Put the paper clip on the paper. Hold the two pencils with the two pencil points on either side of the paper clip. Hold one pencil still then move the other to form a circle.

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Q: How do you make a homemade compass without bending the paper clip with two pencils and a paper clip?
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How do you draw a triangle without using a compass or ruler?

You can use a protractor! Draw the baseline and measure the angles and mark them. Then finally join them together!

What is the setup for using an angle bisector to solve a problem?

Step 1: Place the compass needle on the vertex of the given angle. Name the vertex point A.Step 2: Set the compass to any convenient width.Step 3: Draw an arc intersecting both rays of the angle. Mark and label the points of intersection D and E.Step 4: Move the compass needle to D. If required, adjust the compass width at this point. Draw an arc within the mouth, or opening, of the angle.Step 5: Without changing the width of the compass, move its needle to point E and draw another arc that crosses the arc drawn from D.Step 6: Mark the point of intersection of the arcs centered at D and E. Label the point F.Step 7: Draw a straight line from vertex A passing through point F. Ray AF bisects angle BAC.

The odd numbers in this group add up to an even number 15 32 5 13 82 7 1.?

Without breaking or bending a toothpick, you can spell the word, "FIN," with exactly seven toothpicks, with no letter sharing a toothpick used by another letter.

What is the four color theorem?

The four colour theorem states that no matter what shape adjacent areas cover you need only 4 different colours to colour the shapes without having adjacent colours alike. Think of the shapes of the counties in England or the shapes of the countries of Europe and Asia drawn in outline on white paper. Then, using only 4 different colours of pencils or paint you can colour all of the counties or countries with one of the 4 different colours without having to colour any 2 adjacent ones with the same colour.

What do you call a number without a decimal?

A number without a decimal would be a number without a fraction - hence it would be a "whole number".