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A cylinder has no corners.

Think rubbish/garbage bin.

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Q: How many corner and side does cylindrical have?
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Where are the lines of symmetry in a square?

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It is the black pipe sticking out under the AC accumulator (large cylindrical object) bracket on the passenger side of the firewall.It is the black pipe sticking out under the AC accumulator (large cylindrical object) bracket on the passenger side of the firewall.

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Many auto supply stores.

How many side and corner oval has?

An oval has two curved stretches and two straight stretches. It has no corners.

Where is the EGR Valve on a 2001 SC?

EGR is the cylindrical shaped thing on the drivers side of the engine.

How many vertices's does cylindrical prism have?

None normally

What is a cylindrical lens?

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What shape would you create if you put 2 squares together?

Side by side, they would form a rectangle. From part-side touching part-side through to corner to corner, they would form a shape somewhat like a figure of eight. There are other possibilities - eg corner of one touching the side of the other.