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Q: How many vertices's does cylindrical prism have?
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How many verticess and edges douse a cuboid?

A cuboid douses have 8 verticess and 12 edges.

How do you find the density of a cylindrical prism?

Density = Mass/Volume.

How many verticess does a square pyramid and a cube have?

Square pyramid: 5 Cube: 6

Why is a cube a prism?

A prism has the same cross section throughout its length no matter what form it may take i.e. a cubic prism, a cuboid prism, a triangular prism, a hexagonal prism, a cylindrical prism etc.

How do you find the surface area of a cylindrical prism?

times leagth times weith

How do you find the volume of a cylindrical prism?

Volume = cross-section area*length

Is a cone the same thing as a prism?

no it's not a cone is a pyramid and has one base but a prism has two bases and is not a cone Actually, a cone is just a cone, like an ice cream cone. a prism is like a shape strechted out like a pipe. A cylindrical prism would be a pipe with closed ends.

How many figure you make from cylindrical shape?

10 figure we make from cylindrical shape

How many faces does a hectangonal prism have?

There can be a heptagonal prism or an octagonal prism, but there is no such thing as a hectagonal prism.

How many faces do a prism have?

What kind of prism is it

How many vertices douse a rectagular prism have?

Not sure how many a rectagular prism douse have but a rectangular prism does have 8 vertices.

How many vertex does rectangular prism have?

The vertex of a prism is a corner along the side of the prism. There are 8 vertices on a rectangular prism.