if you mean "vertices" by "corners" then sixteen
17 - each of the 8 point out corners on the two cubes and the middle section
There will be 64 cubes total.The original 8 corners will have three red faces.The cubes that came from the original 12 edges excluding the original 4 corners will be 24 with two red faces (adjoining faces).There will also be leftover 24 cubes with one red face and 8 cubes with no red paint.8+24+24+8 = 64
8. It's basically two squares (4 points each) with equal length lines extended between each point to attach the two squares.
Coal cubes: 0. Sugar cubes: 0 Painted cubes: maybe some of them.
There are 12 squares on 2 cubes
If you were to cut a cube in half along any plane passing through its center, you would get two equal halves of a cube. Each half would still have the shape of a cube with the same dimensions, just split into two separate pieces. The resulting solid figures would be two smaller cubes.
No corners and two edges !
No corners, two faces
If you define a corner as a point where 3 edges meet, a cube has 8 corners. If you define a corner as an edge where two faces meet, a cube would have 12 "corners".