If you were to cut a cube in half along any plane passing through its center, you would get two equal halves of a cube. Each half would still have the shape of a cube with the same dimensions, just split into two separate pieces. The resulting solid figures would be two smaller cubes.
Eight half inch cubes would fill a one inch cube.
It could mean a cube tat has been cut into a half so that it is a cuboid. Or, it could mean a cube, each of whose sides is half a unit.
0.125 cubic inches
Another cylinder
If you cut a rectangle in half you wouldn't get a solid figure at all, since a rectangle is a plane figure. If you made a straight line cut you would get either a triangle or a quadrilateral of some variety depending on exactly how the cut was made.
A rectangular prism or a cuboid.
The volume of a cube is x3 where x is the side length. Therefore the volume of half a cube would be x3/2. For instance, if the side length of a cube was 2cm, the volume of one half would be 23/2 which comes out at 4cm3
It would be a wooden cube that has been cut in half and painted red.
It will be half the mass of the whole cube.
half of a cube is called a tetrahedron
Eight half inch cubes would fill a one inch cube.
A hexahedron is a three-dimensional figure with six identical faces - in other words, a cube. So a hexahedron is not made up of hexagons at all, but of squares. However, if you were to balance a cube on one of the vertices, the horizontal plane cutting the cube in half would make a cut in the shape of a regular hexagon. Four such regular hexagons can be found in the cube.
If you speak of half of 100 in number would be 50. If you talk about the figure, half of this would be zero.