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Q: How many cubic yards of dirt will he have to hall away if the dimensions are 700 ft by 200 ft and the depth is 85 ft?
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How many yards away was the Titanic to the iceberg?

At what time? It started a long way away, and then came in contact with it (no distance at all) before the Titanic sunk.

What do you call the space in the image that seems farthest away from the viewer?

The space in an image that appears farthest away from the viewer is called the background or the depth of field.

What is binocular depth cue?

The two binocular depth cues are retinal(binocular) disparity and convergence. They help us judge reality by giving us a perception of how far away an object is.

We live in a three-dimensional world but do we as people see in three or in two dimensions?

With "normal vision" we see in three dimensions. The equipment is in place. We have two forward-facing eyes separated by a short distance. If we look at something nearby and (slowly) alternate closing one eye and looking through the other and do so continuously, we will see two different "pictures" as we do the exercise. The visual cortex operates at very high speed to process the images and it uses the actual "difference" between the two "pictures" to create a three dimensional image (moving in time) in our mind. The ability to see in three dimensions is called stereoscopy. The ability to resolve depth drops off over distance and is also affected by the size of the objects viewed. In the case of mountains that are many miles away, the visual clues are what our "depth perception" is based on rather than the actual "processing of two different pictures" by the visual cortex. There is so little difference between the two views of objects at extreme range that "true depth perception" isn't working. A link to the Wikipedia article on stereoscopy is provided. It's worth the read. Please at least skim it and look at the pics.

What is the minimum distance to separate the firework from the crowd of firework viewers?

Well it depends on what kind of firework it is. If its a 1.4G firework you should have the crowed at least 10-40 yards away but if the type of firework is 1.3G you should have the crowed 30-60 yards away. I dont know if this is correct but that is what i know if the changed the regulations then I am not aware of or if the lenght is to long.

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How many yards of concrete in 700 square ft?

The answer depends on the depth of the concrete. With a microscopically thin layer, you could probably get away with 1 [cubic] yard. On the other hand, a concrete pile that is several hundred feet high - will require a few(!) more yards.

How many yds of concrete does it take for a ditch 110 ft long 6 inches wide and 18 inches deep?

1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet6 inches = 0.5 foot18 inches = 1.5 feetVolume = 110 x 0.5 x 1.5 = 82.5 cubic feet = 31/18 cubic yards (rounded)If you could live with it being 1/3 inch less deep (172/3 inches deep instead of 18),then you could get away with 3 yards even.

How many cubic feet of dirt is there in a hole that is two yards wide three yards long and one yard deep?

Two yards is six feet, three yards is nine feet, one yard is three feet. So your "hole" is 6 by 9 by 3 cubic feet. That is 162 cubic feet of "hole". That is the simple answer. The junior high school answer. But if you are asking this for real then that is a whole different matter. If you actually dug it out in dry dirt, you'd get about three times the effective volume of dirt. Your hole would "contain" 162 cubic feet of air ! But your pile of dirt would need about 500 cubic feet of truck space to carry it away, because it would be bulked up by the act of undigging it ! In the ground it is packed together, once you put a spade to it then it gets loose and the volume increases about 3 times.

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About 975 yards.

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is 500 yards away from you hahaha 1 yard = 3 feets 500 yards = 1500 feets

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207 feet, or 69 yards

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How much dirt. 2.12 acres. Need to dig 1 feet of clay and replace with stone?

An acre is 43650 sq ft. In 2.12 acres, there are 92347.2 sq ft. If you need to dig out 1 foot over the entire property, you will be removing 92347.2 cubic feet of dirt. Divide by 27 (cubic feet in a cubic yard) to convert the volume to 3420.3 cubic yards. If an average commercial dump truck holds 10 to 14 cubic feet of dirt, that translates to anywhere from 244 to 342 truckloads of dirt to haul away.

How many yards away is 27?

9 9 9 9

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it can smell as far as 16 yards away

What is the archers distance from the target?

77 yards away