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Each hour is thirty degrees.

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Q: How many degree did the hour hand move for question 21?
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If the hour hand on a clock moves one sixty of a degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in one hour?

5/60 Degree

How many times in a day hour hand and minute hand makes 180 degree?


How many degrees does hour hand turn in one second?

The hour hand on a clock moves 1/120 of a degree in one second! Ninja=^.^=

If the hour hand on a clock moves one sixtyeth of a degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in one hour?

A circle is 360 degrees.

If the hour hand on a clock moves 1 60th of a degree per minute how many times does it move in an hour?

3600 times.

If the hour hand on a clock moves 60 of a degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in 1 hr?


How many degrees does the clock hour hand pass through between 1 am and 6 am?

45 Degree

If the hour hand on a clock moves 1 60 degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in one hour?

According to that, the hand will move 5/60 or 1/12. Every minute on a clock face is 6 degrees. An hour hand will move 30 degrees in an hour.

If a hand on a clock move 160 of degrees every min how many degree will it move in an hour?

9600 degrees an hour. Formula:degrees per min * minutes in an hour.

How many degrees does an hour hand rotate in 10 minutes?

On an ordinary clock, with 12 hours on the face, the hour hand rotates360 degrees in 12 hours30 degrees in 1 hour = 60 minutes1/2 degree per minute5 degrees in 10 minutes

The hour hand on a clock moves one half of a degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in one hour?

the hour hand moves 30 degrees in every hour, the minute hand moves 6 degrees each minute Clocks hand moves 1/60 of a degree every minute1 hour = 60 minutes60 * 1/60 = 1The clocks hand move 1 degree an hour

When is the angle between two clock arms 1 degree?

There are many occasions. At 12:00:10.9090... the hour and minte hand will be 1 degree apart.