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Three ways.

3 + 37

11 + 29

17 + 23

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Q: How many different ways can 40 be written as a sum of 2 positive prime numbers?
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When two different prime numbers are multiplied can the product be a negative integer?

Since prime numbers are defined as positive integers, any product of prime numbers will be positive.

Is 0.3 a prime number?

No, prime numbers are positive integers. Decimals are not prime numbers.

How do you explain prime numbers in numbers?

A prime number is a positive integer that has exactly two different factors: 1 and itself. This is why 1 is not a prime number: it has the factors 1 and itself, but they are the same - it does not have exactly two different factors.

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All positive whole numbers over 1 can be classified either as prime or composite numbers. Those which are not prime are composite numbers, that is, numbers which are composed of several different factors.

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How is the number theory different from arithmetic?

Arithmetic can be written as two different products of prime numbers. haha

Are co-prime numbers and twin prime numbers the same?

No - co-prime numbers are pairs of numbers which share no positive integer factors apart from 1. Twin prime numbers are a pair of prime numbers with a difference of 2.

What are prime numbers examples?

Prime numbers are positive integers with only two factors. 2, 3, 5 and 7 are examples of prime numbers.

What are numbers after one that are composite and prime numbers?

All numbers greater than one are positive integers that are either composite or prime numbers.

What numbers cannot be written as products of prime factors?

Prime numbers.

-2 is prime number or not?

No, only natural numbers (positive integers) can be prime.