

How many digits long is the longest prime number?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Over/about 13 million digits! wow that's a long number! if you wanna see it, go to

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Q: How many digits long is the longest prime number?
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How many digits long is the newly discovered prime number?

The new prime number, 2 multiplied by itself 57,885,161times, less one, has 17,425,170 digits.

How long is the worlds greatest prime number?

As of 2013, 17,425,170 digits.

How long is the longest prime number?

The largest known prime number is 17,425,170, although technically, there is no largest possible prime number. To this day, mathematicians are still searching for higher prime numbers.

What is the longest number string that only consists of prime numbers?

The longest string of consecutive numbers that are primes is two digits long, consisting of 2 and 3 only. There are no other consecutive numbers that are primes because no even numbers greater than 2 are primes.

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I'm sure there are more than 2 prime numbers that are 400 digits long.

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An average pencil is about twice as long as my longest finger.

What features does a number have if the number is prime?

Here are some:It has only 1 and itself as unique factors. (They cannot be the same.)It ends (if 2 or more digits long) with the digits 1, 3, 7 or 9 only.

Are there infinitely prime numbers?

Yes. As infinity is so vast, and massive.. well infinite to be honest, there are also infinite prime numbers. The only difference is that they are few and far between. For instance, in low digits, they occur a lot more frequently (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17) And that's just in the space of 20 numbers. However, as they get bigger, the gaps between them are much larger. Currently, the highest know prime number is [(243112609) -1], a number 12978189 digits long. (For some perspective 1,000,000,000,000 is only 13 digits) The prime number right below that is [(237156667)-1] and is only 11185272 digits long. Therefore, the higher prime numbers get, the further apart they are.

What is the 41st Mersenne prime?

The 41ist Mersenne Prime is 224036583 - 1, as this number is huge (7235733 digits long), I will not paste it here, however if you would like to see it you can check the related link

Can there be prime numbers over 1 million?

Yes. In fact the largest known prime contains 9,808,358 decimal digits. Slump Virus MOGWAII: Actually, as of this year (2010), the largest prime number found is 12 978 189 decimal digits long. Want to download it?

How long is a chassis number?

A chassis number or vehicle identification number is 17 digits long. The first digits are letters which refer to where the vehicle was manufactured.

What is the highest prime factor?

As of 2013, the largest known prime number is 257,885,161 − 1. It is 17,425,170 digits long. There is no largest prime, there is only the largest number that has been shown to be prime. There has been a mathematical proof that no number can be the largest prime since the time of Euclid. No matter how large a prime number is discovered, a larger one exists. The problem is that the larger the primes get, the rarer they get. Just picking a number at random with 20 million digits will almost certainly produce a nonprime number. That is why there are various formulas to give good guesses for prime numbers. The formula for Mersenne numbers Mn=2n − 1. Not all Mersenne numbes are prime, but they have been shown to be good guesses. 257,885,161 − 1 is the 48th Mersenne prime discovered. A Mersenne prime is named after the French monk Marin Mersenne who studied prime numbers in the 17th century.This Mersenne prime and the previous 9 record primes were discovered by the "Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search" (GIMPS), a distributed computing project on the Internet operated just for the purpose of finding Mersenne prime.