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Yes. In fact the largest known prime contains 9,808,358 decimal digits.

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Actually, as of this year (2010), the largest Prime number found is 12 978 189 decimal digits long.

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Q: Can there be prime numbers over 1 million?
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Related questions

How many prime numbers are there less than 1000000?

The are 78498 prime numbers smaller than 1 million.

What are the first 1 million prime numbers?

See the link.

What percentages of numbers 1 through 1000000 are prime numbers?

The number of prime numbers less than a million is 78,498, which is a percentage of 7.8498%.For any list of prime numbers 1 to N, the higher N is, the closer the percentage will be to 1/ln(N).

What is the general form of prime numbers?

All prime numbers over 3 are either 6n - 1 or 6n + 1.

How many prime numbers between 1 and 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888?

To determine the number of prime numbers between 1 and 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888, we can use the Prime Number Theorem. This theorem states that the density of prime numbers around a large number n is approximately 1/ln(n). Therefore, the number of prime numbers between 1 and 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 can be estimated by dividing ln(8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888) by ln(2), which gives approximately 1.33 x 10^27 prime numbers.

How many prime numbers between 2000 and 3000?

127 prime numbers in that range. See related link for prime numbers up to 10000. Plus there is a link to download Zip files of prime numbers up to 1 million.

Why does prime numbers occur more often as numbers become large?

Actually they do not. The Prime Number Thoerem states that, for large numbers, the probability that a randomly number selected number is a prime is 1/ln(N), its natural logarithm. So, around a million, around 1 in 14 numbers is prime, around a billion it falls to 1 in 21 and around a trillion to 1 in 28 (which, since the proportionality is logarithmic, is half as often as around a million).

Are prime numbers next to multiples of 6?

Yes, all prime numbers over 3 are either of the form 6n - 1 or 6n + 1.

What number is over 1 and that is not a prime number?

No numbers, because 2 is the smallest prime number 0 and 1 aren't prime #'s.

Any counting number grater then 1 witch is not prime is what kind number?

All positive whole numbers over 1 can be classified either as prime or composite numbers. Those which are not prime are composite numbers, that is, numbers which are composed of several different factors.

Can a number over 100 only have 1 in its prime factorization?

1 is not a prime number, so it wouldn't be present in any prime factorization. Prime numbers don't really have factorizations, that is, the factorization is the number itself. There are prime numbers greater than 100.

What are numbers are prime numbers found between 1-150?

What are prime numbers from 1-150?