The divisors of 23 are: 1, 23.
There are eight divisors of the number 195.
Three divisors: 1 2 4.
23 is a prime number so its only integral divisors are 1 and 23.
If fractions and decimals don't scare you, there are an infinite number of them that divide evenly into 23. If you want only whole numbers then there are only four: ±1 and ±23 .
Least number with exactly n even divisors 1 -> 0 divisor 2 -> 1 divisor 4 -> 2 divisors = 22 8 -> 3 divisors = 23 12 -> 4 divisors = 22x3 32 -> 5 divisors = 24
None of the positive common divisors of those numbers are multiples of 10.
A perfect number equals the sum of its proper divisors. A deficient number is greater than the sum of its proper divisors. An abundant number is less than the sum of its proper divisors. Proper divisors of a number do not include the number itself.
The first number to have exactly 10 divisors is 48.
The divisors of 97 are: 1, 97.
2,4,8 (1 and 16 are divisors too, but the number and 1 are always divisors)
The number you are seeking is 36. The divisors are - 36,1,18,2,12,3,9,4,6.