Approx 4892 Imperial gallons.
13,464.94 US gallons.
There are 907.9202769 feet2 of water, but you will have to convert that into gallons.
4745 gallons Best estimate I have.
The question cannot be answered because the dimensions of the measures are not given. It should be obvious to anybody that the volume of a container which is 14.25 feet high and 8.5 feet across will not be the same as one which is 14.25 inches high and 8.5 inched across!
29,610.94 gallons (rounded)
If this is a round pool 18 feet across and you fill it with 4 feet of water, it contains 7,646 gallons of water.
A 12-foot wide round pool with 3.3 feet of water contains 2,803.7 gallons of water.
10 .863 gallons
If the container is 3ft x 3ft x 9ft, the answer is 81 cubic ft. There are approximately 607.5 gallons of water.
201.97 US gallons == Mer om kalkylatorn.