Assuming that 001, 080, etc are not allowed (that is a leading zero or two is not permitted), the smallest number with exactly three digits is 100. The largest number with exactly three digits is 999. So there are 999 - 100 + 1 = 900 numbers with exactly three digits.
There can be only one.
there are 899 whole numbers that have three digits.
Only 1 exists, and it is "999"
There are 27 of them.
One: 444!
None - since the digits used - when added together divide exactly by three. 1+3+5=9... 9/3=3. This means that ANY of the numbers created can be divisible by three.
Assuming you mean permutations of three digits, then the set of numbers that can be made with these digits is: 345 354 435 453 534 543 There are six possible permutations of three numbers.
There are 900 three-digit numbers.
-- 893 of them have no 4's. -- Three of them have exactly one 4: 4xx, x4x, and xx4. -- Three of them have exactly 2 4's: 44x, 4x4, and x44. -- One of them has exactly three 4's: 444. -- None has more than three 4's.
Numbers with exactly three factors are squares of prime numbers.