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Q: How many one degree angles measures 30 degrees?
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How many degrees is 4 right angles?

it measures 360 degrees

How many Sides does a polygon have with 175.2 degree angles?

If its a regular polygon and each interior angle measures 175.2 degrees then it will have 75 sides

How many degrees do the measures of complementary angles add up to?

Ninety Degrees

How many degrees are in the angles of a retangle?

It has four 90 degree angles

How many degrees does a supplementary angles of 160 degree have?

20 degrees

How many angles does a equalateral triangle have?

3 interior angles and each of them measures 60 degrees

How many right-angles has a nonagon have?

A nonagon has 9 sides. It can have one or more 90 degree angles. If it is a regular nonagon then it has 180*7/9 for the interior angle measures which is 140 degrees.

How many degrees inside a square?

A square has 4 right angles. Right angles are 90 degree angles.4*90 degrees = 360 degrees

How many solid degrees are there in a sphere?

Spheres are measured with solid angles (which are like two dimensional angles). These angles can be measure with square degrees or steradians. A sphere measures 129300/π square degrees (or about 41,253 square degrees). A sphere measures 4π steradians (or about 12.566 steradians.)

How do you work out how many sides a shape has from the degree of its interior angles?

The sum of the measures of the interior angles is (n-2)*180 degrees, where n is the number of sides. Thus, if the sum of the interior angles is S, then n = S/180 + 2

A 'right' angles is how many degrees?

A 'right angle' looks like a corner, and measures 90 degrees.

How many degrees does a qudrilateral have to have?

A quadrilateral doesn't have degrees. It has four sides, four inside angles, four outside angles, a perimeter, and an area. If you add up the measures of all four outside angles, they add to 360 degrees. If you add up the measures of all four inside angles, they add to 360 degrees too.