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17 more factors.

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Q: How many positive factors other than 1 does 700 have?
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There are 44 positive integers less than 2,010 that have an odd number of factors.

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28751 is a prime number. It has no positive integer factors other than itself and 1.

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A composite number is a number with more than two positive integer factors (itself and one). Other than these two numbers, the positive integer factors of 155 are 5 and 31.

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There are 17.

What are the composite numbers?

A composite number is a positive integer that has a positive divisor other than one or itself. In other words a composite number is any positive integer greater than one that is not a prime number. A composite number is a number greater than 1 with more then 2 factors

What is the definition of composite number?

A composite number is a positive integer that has a positive divisor other than one or itself. In other words a composite number is any positive integer greater than one that is not a prime number.

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Composite numbers are positive integers that have at least one positive integer factor other than 1 and themselves. Prime numbers are positive integers that have exactly two positive integer factors, 1 and themselves. In other words, a composite number is any number greater than 1 that is not prime.

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Yes - other than itself and 1, 5 and 41 are the only positive integer factors of 205.

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9901 is a prime number. It has no positive integer factors other than itself and 1.

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29 is a prime number - it has no positive integer factors other than itself and 1.