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You cannot because it requires you to get half a question right. You would have to get a 113 right to get 75.33... %

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Q: How many questions do you need to get right to make 75 percent on a 150 question test?
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You can miss 40. 80% of 200 = 160 questions right; 40 wrong

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60 questions can be missed.

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How many questions do you need to get right to make 80 percent on an eight question test?

-a 6/8 is a 75% -a 7/8 is an 87% So in order to get at least an 80%, you must score at least a 7

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This question doesn't make sense the way it is written - perhaps it is referring to other questions in your text. Please clarify and resubmit your question.

How many questions can you miss to get an 80 percent on a 30 question test?

6, you must get at least 24 of the questions correct to make an 80%. I found this by setting up a proportion: x questions 80 % _________ = ________ 30 questions 100% = 24 question (must be answered correctly) 30-24= 6 questions (can be answered incorrectly)

Why does this website never answer my questions?

its not the website maybe your not putting your question in the right category or you didn't word your question right make sure your spelling is right and wait it will be answered You might have also misspelled and/or asked a question which does not exist. That is why this website gives alternates.

If you want to make 80 percent on a test with eight questions how many do you need to get right?

If every question is worth the same credit, then seven correct scores 87.5%, and six correct scores 75%. So you need at least seven correct.

What doesn't wikianswer?

WikiAnswers can't answer questions that are incomplete or make no sense. Questions like "How old is my father?" have no reference to age or formula to answer the question. Wiki also will not answer question that are illegal like " "How do I make an Atom bomb." These questions are removed from the system for obvious reasons. Not all questions can be answered right away. The right person has to find them and answer them. Very often the person asking the question doesn't bother to place it in a category where it can be found, just like this question, it originally was in the Uncategorized section and I moved it to the "Questions about WikiAnswers category" so it could be found. The person asking the question has the responsibility to place it where someone looking for it can find it.

If there are 15 questions how many do you have to get right to make a 90?

To get 90% you have to get 13 and 1/2 questions right.

What is the percent of a polygon?

your question does not make sense

How can you make questions?

You can make questions by clicking the ask button at the top and then type your question in the bar, then click go