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The number of strings of four decimal digits that have exactly three digits which are nine is the number of ways to choose three places to choose the nines multiplied by the number of possibilities for the other digits (because you can put all of the possibilities in an array so that each column has a different way of arranging the nines and that each row has a different set of other digits (because they do not affect each other)). The number of ways to choose the three places to choose the nines is the same as the number of ways of choosing 4-3=1 spot for there not to be a nine. The number of ways of choosing 1 spot where there are 4 spots is 4 (the first, the second, the third, or the fourth). Since there are 9 digits that are not nine, the number of choices for the other digits is 9 (since there is only one digit). Thus, there are 4*9=36 strings of four decimal digits that have exactly three digits which are nine.

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Q: How many strings of four decimal digit have exactly three digit that are nine?
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How many strings of three decimal digits do not contain the same digit three times?

Probably 990, depending on the rules. Fun question, but there is more than one answer depending on the rules. If the first digit can be zero, and if you can accept 001, 002, etcetera as answers, then you have 10 choices for the first digit, 10 choices for the second digit, and 10 choices for the third digit. But, you have to subtract the ten occurrences when all three digits match (000, 111, 222, 333, etc.) 10 x 10 x 10 - 10 = 990.

How many strings of 3 decimal digits do not contain the same 3 digits?

How many strings of three digits are there? 000 to 999, or a total of 1000. How many strings of three digits contain the same three digits? That's 000, 111, 222 ... 999! ten in total. The difference is your answer: 1000-10 = 990.

How many three digit positive integers are square numbers?

102 = 100 which is the first possible three digit number that is a perfect square. 312 = 961 which is the last possible three digit number that is a perfect square. So there are 22 three digit positive numbers that are perfect squares.

How many 3 digit number can be made using the digits 2 4 7 9?

24 three digit numbers if repetition of digits is not allowed. 4P3 = 24.If repetition of digits is allowed then we have:For 3 repetitions, 4 three digit numbers.For 2 repetitions, 36 three digit numbers.So we have a total of 64 three digit numbers if repetition of digits is allowed.

What is the largest three-digit number base four?

The greatest value a digit can have in base for is 3. Thus the largest three-digit number in base for would be 333. In base 10, this number is 3x16 + 3x4 + 3 = 63 Therefore 63 is the largest digit that would be three digits in base 4.

Related questions

How many strings of three decimal digits Have exactly three digits that are 9?

There can be only one.

How many strings or three decimal digits have exactly two digits that are 9s?

There are 27 of them.

Is a four digit decimal less than a three digit decimal?

Not necessarily.

How many strings of three decimal digits begin with an odd digit?

There are 500 of 3-digit numbers begin with an odd one (100-199, 300-301, 500-599,700-799, and 900-999). In terms of "how many strings of", may filter or expand the above answer.

How many strings of three decimal digits Have exactly digits that are 4?

-- 893 of them have no 4's. -- Three of them have exactly one 4: 4xx, x4x, and xx4. -- Three of them have exactly 2 4's: 44x, 4x4, and x44. -- One of them has exactly three 4's: 444. -- None has more than three 4's.

The numbers 0.03 and 0.005 are multiplied Exactly how many zeros are between the decimal point and the first nonzero digit in the product?

three zeros

What is the decimal for forty three cents?

A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal representation for 43 cents is 43, exactly as in the question. A decimal representation does not imply a change in the measurement units, for example to Dollars or Euros..

What is the greatest 3 digit decimal less than 1?

It depends on what you mean by three digit decimal. If you mean three digits after the decimal, then it's 0.999. However, if you mean three digits in the number, then it's 0.99.

What is the the largest four-digit divisor that has exactly three divisors?

I think you mean, the largest four digit number that has exactly three divisors. 2X3X1663=9,978

What is the difference between a decimal point and a decimal place?

The decimal point of a number separates the whole part of the number from the fractional part of the number. It is located between the units column and the tenths column of every number. A decimal place is one of the digits after the decimal point: The first decimal place is the first digit, which is the tenths digit The second decimal place is the second digit, which is the hundredths digit The third decimal place is the third digit, which is the thousandths digit etc. When showing or rounding to a number of decimal places there will be that number of digits after the decimal place. eg the number 5.671 has three decimal places as there are three digits after the decimal point and the second decimal place, for example, contains the digit 7.

What three digit decimal are between 2.45 and 2.46?

It is 2.455

What is the greatest three digit decimal number in hundredths?
