The number to the right of the decimal point represents tenths.
The number to the left of the decimal point represents units (or ones) and in each unit there are ten tenths.
So there are 2 tenths (to the right of the decimal point)
and 6 x 10 = 60 tenths represented by the number on the left.
Add these together and you get 62 tenths in 6.2
Six and one-fifth.
six point two tenths
Three tenths.
0.62 = 62/100 = 31/50
46 tenths
There are 6 tenths in 0.6
45 tenths
In the number 6.2, there are 2 tenths. This is because the digit 2 is in the tenths place, representing 2 tenths out of a total of 10 equal parts. Each digit to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10 in the decimal system; the first digit to the right of the decimal point is tenths, the second is hundredths, the third is thousandths, and so on.
There are 9 tenths in 9 tenths.
6.4 of them. 6 and 4 tenths has 64 of them.