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Q: How many three digit numbers exist in which the last digit is the same as the last digit of that number squared?
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no, every number is a real number --- There are numbers that are not real numbers. They are called imaginary numbers, and have the property that when they are squared, the result is negative. The square root of -1 is called i, and the square root of any other negative number is i times the square root of the absolute value of the number. So the square root of -4 is 2i.

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It is best to do this on a calculator. If you want to do it without one, you can try different numbers, to see which number, when squared, is closest to 10. For example, 3 squared is 9, and 4 squared is 16, so the square root of 10 is obviously between those two. Faster methods exist, too.

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y is greater than 0 x exist in a set of real numbers

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Yes. A 17-digit number would be less than a quintillion.

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There is no way to determine the amount of numbers that exist. Unlike physical objects, numbers are not finite. There is literally no end to the amount of numbers that can exist.

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It is best to assume independence between the numbers (i.e. the 4th doesn't affect the 5th)If that is true, then the odds are .1(We don't have to worry about area codes exist, or about avoiding 911, since this is the 4th digit)

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