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A quadratic function will cross the x-axis twice, once, or zero times. How often, depends on the discriminant. If you write the equation in the form y = ax2 + bx + c, the so-called discriminant is the expression b2 - 4ac (it appears as part of the solution, when you solve the quadratic equation for "x" - the part under the radical sign). If the discriminant is positive, the x-axis is crossed twice; if it is zero, the x-axis is crossed once, and if the discriminant is negative, the x-axis is not crossed at all.

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Q: How many times will The graph of a quadratic function crosses the x-axis twice?
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Given the function below what is the value of the discriminant and how many times does the graph of this function intersect or touch the x-axis?

Discriminant = 116; Graph crosses the x-axis two times

How many times will the graph of a quadratic function cross or touch the x-axis if the discriminant is positive?

It will cross the x-axis twice.

If the discriminant is negative the graph of the quadratic function will cross or touch the x-axis how many times?

It would not touch or intersect the x-axis at all.

How many times will the graph of a quadratic function cross or touch the x-axis if the discriminant is zero?

It will touch it at exactly 1 point. If a quadratic function is given as f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, let the discriminant be denoted as D. Then the graph of y = f(x) will cross the x-axis at the x-values x = (-b + sqrt(D))/(2a) and x = (-b - sqrt(D))/(2a). When the discriminant D = 0, these 2 x-values are actually the same. Thus the graph will touch the x-axis only once.

What is the formula of a quadratic function?

-b + or - the square root on b squared - 4 times a times c over 2

Using the discriminant how many times does the graph of this equation cross the x-axis 5x squared -10x-2 equals 0?

Discriminant = (-10)2 - 4*5*(-2) = 100 + 40 > 0 So the quadratic has two real roots ie it crosses the x-axis twice.

How many times does the graph of y equals x2-4x plus 4 intersect the x-axis?

y=x2-4x+4 y = (x-2)(x-2) x=2 the graph only crosses the x-axis at positive 2. this is the minimum of the graph and the only point that is crosses the x-axis.

A value is in the domain of a function if there is a times n on the graph at that x-value?


Is it true that discriminant can hold all the quadratic function?

I dont even know my times tables yet!! im only 4

What does a graph tell you?

A graph of an equation (or function) helps to clarify the behavior of that equation. In this case, the behavior of the graph is just that: it describes how something acts-- for example:Whether it is a straight line or a bending curveHow many times it changes direction and whereWhether the y-value becomes greater or smaller (moves up or down), or stays constant, as it moves from left to rightIf it is discontinuous (skips around without warning, turns sharply, flies up into infinity for a while, or simply vanishes for a short time)What the equation must look like, such as a line for a linear equation (y = mx + b) or a parabola for a quadratic equation (y = ax2 + bx + c)When the equation crosses the x-axis, something that is very useful to know in Algebra and later mathematicsHow fast the equation is increasing or decreasingIn Calculus, a graph can be used to find the derivative of a function, which is a new function that describes the slope of a function at each pointIn general, a graph is a very useful tool to understand how an equation works, and can make encounters with new and unfamiliar forms of equations easier to understand.