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Q: How many triangles are needed to make a figure that is congruent to a hexagon?
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How many rhombuses are needed to make a figure that is congruent to a hexagon?

2 rhombuses and 2 triangles

How many shapes are needed to make a figure congruent to a hexagon?

4 sqaure

How many straight lines are needed to divide a regular hexagon into six identical triangles?


Why there's a triangle?

Triangles are needed to form polygons of 3 sides or more as for instance a 6 sided hexagon needs 4 triangles and a 10 sided decagon needs 8 triangles.

How many sets are needed to make six sets using rhombus trapezoids triangles and hexagon?

Six, I would guess!

Why is there an AA similarity postulate but not an AA congruence postulate?

The AA similarity postulate states that if two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar. However, the AA congruence postulate is not needed because knowing two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle doesn't guarantee that the triangles are congruent, as the side lengths can still be different.

What else would need to be congruent to show that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle XYZ by Angle Side Angle?

Without seeing the picture, I can't tell what's already known to be congruent, so there's no way I can figure out what 'else' is needed.

How many straight lines are needed to divide a regular hexagon into 6 identical triangles?

never tried it without my Gay lines so I wouldn't know for sure, but try 3 and see what you get

How many line segments are needed to draw a hexagon?


What is the minimum number of triangles needed to form a trapezium?


What are the ways you can show that triangles are similar?

You can use the theorems like SSS, SSA to show that they are similar. For example if two triangles have the same 3 sides length or two side lengths equal and 1 angle equal they are similar. * * * * * That is congruent, not similar! Similar is a weaker requirement. All that is needed is that two corresponding angles are the same. Equivalently, the three corresponding sides are in the same proportion.

Why are triangles used in the food pyrmaid?

The triangles are used to describe specific food groups and how many servings of each group are needed daily.