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2 rhombuses and 2 triangles

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Q: How many rhombuses are needed to make a figure that is congruent to a hexagon?
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How many triangles are needed to make a figure that is congruent to a hexagon?


How many shapes are needed to make a figure congruent to a hexagon?

4 sqaure

What else would need to be congruent to show that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle XYZ by Angle Side Angle?

Without seeing the picture, I can't tell what's already known to be congruent, so there's no way I can figure out what 'else' is needed.

How many line segments are needed to draw a hexagon?


How many straight lines are needed to divide a regular hexagon into six identical triangles?


What tools are needed to make congruent line segments?

to lines that r the same length

How many endpoints are needed to draw six line segments?

12 of then but if they are joined together in the form of a 6 sided hexagon then 6 endpoints are needed.

How many straight lines are needed to divide a regular hexagon?

That depends how many sections you wish to divide it into.

How many trapezoids are needed to make a hexagon?

Minimally, two (2) trapezoids are necessary to create a hexagon. (This solution comes from drawing a line straight across the center of the hexagon.) Most numbers (if not all) greater than two are also feasible, but with more finagling.

Product disparagement differs from defamation of a nonpublic figure in that?

For a product disparagement case, intent is needed. However, intent is not needed in a defamation case of a nonpublic figure.

How many sets are needed to make six sets using rhombus trapezoids triangles and hexagon?

Six, I would guess!

What figure of speech is thanks you needed that?
