It depends upon the person. Some people speak faster than others.
In one minute he or she should be able to read 12 or 15 words.
171.333 words
Net words per minute. referring to an average count of how many words you can type in one minute.
Steve Woodmore spoke 595 words in 56.01 seconds giving a speed of 637 words per Minute, Sean Shannon spoke 266 words in 23.8 seconds giving a speed of 655 worrds per minute. As the question is how many words per minute then Steve woodmore is the one that can actually talk for a minute
1/60 th of a degree = one minute. In other words, 60 minutes in 1 degree
Armando bukkslo 290 words in one minute.
The current record for the most words spoken in one minute is 852 words, achieved by Steve Woodmore in 1990.
just a minute is a session which is selecting the one specific topic and telling about that topic for one minute what ever the topic but there should not be repeated words and hesitated words ..k all the best make practice any topic.
75 * 5 = 2250 words in 30 minutes.
How about one minute brushing and one minute flossing
the international nautical mile was defined in 1929 as 1852 metres. This is based on the assumption that your question containing the words 'one minute' refers to the distance of one minute of arc of latitude
One minute = 60,000 milliseconds.