As of 11/26/2007 100 US Dollars = 67.43589 Euro.
For an up-to-date conversion use the link below.
How much is 6 euro in us dollar
As of December 5, 2010 1 euro= 1.336 US dollar.
$1.00 in US money is 0.7042 Euro in Germany. 1 Euro is equal to about $1.42 (or excactly 1.42005) in US money.
one euro is worth 1.2795 in the US.
It's 375,06 euro.
As of 11/22/2015 1 Euro = 1.064 Dollar.
How much is 6 euro in us dollar
1.3661 dollars is the same as 1 euro
1 Euro=1.3085 US Dollar
No, 100 euros is roughly 160 US dollars
1 US Dollar = 0.65316 Euro 1 Euro (EUR) = 1.53102 US Dollar (USD)
There is no such thing as German dollars. In Germany, they use euro 1 euro = 1.41218 US Dollar 50,000 Euro = 70,609.0 US Dollar
As of this morning, 0.718 Euro to dollar. The values flucuate.
As of December 5, 2010 1 euro= 1.336 US dollar.