Yes a Euro is worth more than a US dollar; the exchange rate is 1 Euro = 1.34 US dollars
As of 3 July 2014, the Euro is currently worth 1.37 US Dollars. Conversely, 1 US Dollar is worth .73 Euros.
As at 09Sep11 1 Euro was worth 1.39 US Dollars
As of 8/24/07, the Euro is worth 1.3 American dollars, so the American dollar is worth 0.7 Euro. In short, the Euro is worth more.
As of December 5, 2010 1 euro= 1.336 US dollar.
Germany uses the Euro. Currently the US dollar is worth about 0.86 Euro, but this varies with the exchange rate.
One Dollar
The Euro is worth more. 1 Euro = 1.34 US Dollars OR 1 US Dollar = .75 Euros
As of today (02APR2011), 1 Euro is worth about $1.42 US Dollars, and 1 US Dollar is worth about 0.70 Euro.
Yes a Euro is worth more than a US dollar; the exchange rate is 1 Euro = 1.34 US dollars
As of today, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro is approximately 1 USD to 0.85 EUR. This means that one US dollar is worth about 0.85 euros.
Its worth more money than average hookers pay.
As of 3 July 2014, the Euro is currently worth 1.37 US Dollars. Conversely, 1 US Dollar is worth .73 Euros.
1 Euro=1.3085 US Dollar
Euros are more then US dollar
The rate fluctuates, at present (April 2011) one Euro is worth about 1.30 dollars
As of today's date, one US dollar is worth .78 Euro. This can change from day to day, so you might want to Google "currency converter US to Euro" closer to the date you will be traveling.