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Q: How much kilometer does aircraft fly per second?
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Related questions

When did the aircraft fly at the speed of light?

Aircraft cannot fly at the speed of light due to limitations imposed by physics. The speed of light is approximately 186,282 miles per second and is much faster than any aircraft is capable of traveling.

How many hours one aircraft can fly nonstop?

it depends what aircraft it is and how much fuel it can hold

How much height an aircraft can fly?

The maximum height flown by an aircraft is 37650m(123524ft). The aircraft is Mig-25 Foxbat.

How much weight an aircraft can fly at?

well i am a Prof and let me tell you i get this question ALOT an aircraft can fly at 5501 g if it has ALOT of DRAG 11253 percent

Why cannot aircraft fly in space?

An aircraft is designed to fly in 'air' there is no 'air' in space.

Why can't an aircraft fly into the air?

A properly designed aircraft most certainly can fly into the air.

What is the difference between an aircraft and a spacecraft?

Aircraft fly through air and spacecraft fly in space.

Who flies an aircraft?

An aircrew are the people who fly an aircraft

How much would it cost to fly from your location to an airport dublin?

Costs depend enrtierly on where you fly from. Aircraft type, time and date

What interesting long facts about aircraft?

first fact some aircraft are LONG second fact they fly over LONG distances third fact please write proper questions :)

Does airports fly?

No, airports are a place where aircraft fly to and from.

Who fly an aircraft?
