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their chances are better because its a car crash

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Q: How much more likely are motorcyclists to die in car crash?
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Ice is slippery, right?

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50/50 really if you think about it depends on the driver.

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plane crash only because even a small electronic malfunction can cause a plane to crash a bride is just steel and iron not much can go wrong there

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A car crash is much more probable than a plane crash if you take into consideration how many people will travel by car per day compared to the number who will travel by air; take into consideration how many cars with how many drivers are likely to make a mistake compared to the number of planes and flight crews.

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Sonic is much more famous and has better games.

Do motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as other drivers?

It falls in line with being aware of your surroundings and driving defensively, which all motorists are responsible for, regardless of what they're driving. Emphasis is placed on motorcyclists not for the purpose of applying a different standard, but because they impose a particular risk, both for the motorcyclists and other motorists. They're much smaller than other vehicles on the road, and thus, are not as visible, particularly at night or in times of inclement weather. Thus, motorists need to be particularly aware of motorcyclists for this reason.

What percentage of planes crash?

Only about 0.000001% of planes ever crash. Generally, the drive down to the airport is much more dangerous than flying a plane.

How do you lose weight within 1 week?

The basic plan for weight lossis always the same: burn more calories than you eat. But over the course of only one week there isn't much to be done. On any sensible diet you might be able to lose 4 pounds, but more likely 2-3. On a crash diet you can lose some more, but you're more than likely to put those back on again as soon as you turn back to your regular habits. A crash diet isn't sustainable in the long run and isn't particularly sensible even short term.