1440 Sq. Ft
1 katha is 67 sq meters.
750 Sqft
In Siwan, Bihar, one katha is a unit of area measurement typically used in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. One katha is equal to approximately 1361.25 square feet. It is important to note that land measurement units can vary in different regions, so it is always best to consult with local authorities or land surveyors for precise measurements.
In Siliguri, 1 katha is equal to approximately 1,350 square feet of land. It is a traditional unit of area measurement used in the region.
Noramally 1 katha=720 Sq. feet. But in many places it has different value. In Patna, 1 Khata = 1361 sqft.
1 katha=20 lecha 1 lecha =144 sq ft so 1 katha =20*144 =2880 sq ft Hence 1 katha of land is 2880 square feet
In West Bengal, 1 Katha of land is equivalent to 20 Satak.
In Bihar, one Katha varies from seven hundred and fifty square feet to about 2000 square feet. These units are usually used at Chapra.
1 bigha=20 KATHA
18 katha is equivalent to 1 acre.
Here we go....... 1 Bigha = 20 katha = 33 decimal 1 katha = 1.65 decimal